sâmbătă, 17 iunie 2017


https://goo.gl/ZANKbA Secret offers from HealthPost.
Support us on http://smartaccesstohealthforall.org/ Thank you so much. 'Jambo Mama' is Swahili for hello mom, or hello madam. It is also the name of SAHFA's first project, and an ambitious one at that. Indeed, we want to reach out to the most vulnerable of all groups and individuals at risk from isolation and neglect: expectant mothers in isolated villages in rural areas of low income countries. We have designed a unique smartphone application called JamboMama! that will connect the women (and their communities) with qualified maternal healthcare workers (and the health care system in which they work). We hope to get this application up and running before the end of 2016, and we hope you are curious enough to follow and support us on this exciting adventure.