sâmbătă, 17 iunie 2017

After an Extraction

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Hi, I am Trym Gibbons, Dr. Gibbons, with Goodman Dental Care and Tangerine Dental Care. I am here to talk to you a little bit about what to expect after you have a tooth pulled. Unfortunately, at some point in our lives sometimes we have to have a tooth pulled, and our goal in our office is to save as many teeth as we can, but sometimes we just have to take them out. It could be from you need a tooth pulled to have braces so that your teeth can align correctly. Maybe a tooth is decayed and broken off and it can't be saved, or maybe you have extra teeth. Whatever the reason you may have to have your tooth pulled, and when you have a tooth pulled, the big things to remember are generally speaking for normal teeth extraction, you shouldn't have a whole bunch of swelling. You may have some, but not a lot, and the pain shouldn't be excruciating. What can happen when people have a lot of pain afterwards is when you pull that tooth out you are left with that hole in the mouth, and that fills up with blood, and then it just kind of fills over and starts to heal. Well, if, if that blood clot in there is dislodged, it causes a dry socket, and those hurt like the dickens, and that is caused from negative pressure like trying to create a loogy in your mouth, or sucking through a straw or smoking. Those all pull that blood clot out of the socket, and so that is why we encourage you not to smoke or drink through a straw after an extraction. The other things to expect are, you are going to be oozing blood, but a little bit of blood and a lot of spit, looks like a lot of blood, so just be aware of that. The other thing you could do is for the first twenty four hours is use an ice pack on the area, and that will keep down swelling, but the after that you want to use heat to increase the blood flow and to increase healing to the area, and then finally, you know, a lot of times you tell patients to put a trash bag over their pillow, and then put a pillow case over that, but maybe even a towel over that because if you drool in the night with that little bit of oozing it can stain your pillow, but those are some main things to look for when you have a tooth extracted. http://www.tucsongoodmandental.com/blog/2012/11/after-an-extraction/