sâmbătă, 29 februarie 2020

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Files Phone Number Extractor

Files Phone number extractor is a useful tool adept at extracting Phone numbers contained in Word, PDF, Excel or PowerPoint files. The software provides advanced filtering options. These filtering options enable the user to set search criteria as per the need and extract relevant and required numbers excluding irrelevant numbers. Users can also save the extracted phone numbers. Numbers can be saved in .CSV format which opens in MS excel or .TXT format which opens in Notepad.  These advanced features make phone number search fast and easy.
Use of this software is extremely easy. Files from which numbers need to be extracted can be either manually added or automatically added by selecting folders to add all files contained in them. Thereafter users can simply press start extracting button to extract files. Likewise, save numbers button can be used to save the numbers in .CSV or .TXT format. The software has been specifically programmed to exclude duplicate numbers. The tool can extract Fax numbers apart from phone numbers. Users can extract numbers from excel files,  find mobile numbers contained in word or PDF files or find phone numbers in PowerPoint files with similar ease. The tool can effortlessly extract numbers from word files like doc, docx, dot, docm, dotm, dotx etc., excel files like XLS, XLSX, XLA, XLT etc. and power point files like ppt, pot, pptx, potm, pptm, ppsm, potx etc. and save them for intended use.
Files Phone Number extractor can be valuable in present scenario. As organizations rely heavily on phone for all types of business communication, they need phone number extractor software's for smooth conduct of business. Especially companies relying on telemarketing to sell their products need software's like Files Phone Number Extractor.

Price: USD49.95

10%Discount: Discount 4.995

SysTools PPTX Viewer Pro

Price: USD39

SysTools Frozen Winters Sale: Discount 7.8


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The Practice

A tailor made WordPress theme for attorneys, legal offices or consultancy firms that need a clean and stark looking website.

Price: USD49

ADDENDIO: Discount 9.8

SysTools Split PST

Price: USD39

SysTools Frozen Winters Sale: Discount 7.8

SysTools SQL Server Database Migrator

Price: USD249

SysTools Frozen Winters Sale: Discount 49.8

SysTools vCard Export

Price: USD29

SysTools Frozen Winters Sale: Discount 5.8

MundgeruchKiller: Mundgeruch Ratgeber PDF, Deutsch - DINA6 - ca. 72 Seiten

Mundgeruch Killer

50+ Sofortmaßnahmen und 10-Punkte-Plan im ansprechend gestalteten E-Book (PDF)

Sparen Sie bares Geld, durch Wegfall von Kaugummis, Lutschbonbons, Mundwässern und Heilerden!

Bis zu 400€ im Jahr sparen!

Der Mundgeruch Ratgeber MundgeruchKiller hilft soforthilft nachhaltig, betrachtet Symptome und Ursachen zugleich und steigert das Wohlbefinden!

Veröffentlichung 2014.
PDF, DIN A6-Format, 75 Seiten. 
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Jeder 3. leidet unter Mundgeruch.
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Kaum einer spricht über Mundgeruch. Zu groß ist die Angst, dass sich andere über sie lustig machen. Befreien Sie sich von der Angst. Schauen Sie ihrem Gegenüber wieder in die Augen und gewinnen Sie wieder Selbstbewusstsein!

  • Selbst- und Partnertest
  • 50+ Sofortmaßnahmen für sofortigen Schutz bei Mundgeruch
  • 10-Punkte-Plan für nachhaltigen Schutz gegen unangenehmen Atem

Meistern Sie endlich wieder intime Situationen oder solche im Arbeitsalltag. Der Mundgeruch Ratgeber enthält viele mundgeruchhemmende Lebensmittel.

Darüberhinaus bietet er eine Anleitung, wie der richtige Arzt gefunden werden kann. Oftmals ist es nicht der Zahnarzt, der letztlich die Ursachen beheben kann.

++ Bereits über 2.000+ Leser! Vielen Dank! ++


Wie ist das Buch entstanden?

Das Buch basiert auf Qualitätsrecherche und Marktforschung.

Die nachfolgenden Informationen basieren auf intensiver Recherche im Internet und der klassischen Literatur. Ein Großteil der Informationen stellen des Weiteren Ergebnisse aus eigener Marktforschung (Forschungspanel im Onlinezugang) dar. Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass alle enthaltenen Informationen nicht schwerpunktmäßig auf klinischen oder wissenschaftlichen Studien basieren, sondern vielmehr auf der tatsächlichen Erfahrung von Anwendern aus aller Welt.
Die Informationen ersetzen keine ärztliche Beratung. Sie geben aber nützliche Hinweise, den richtigen Arzt zu finden.
In keinem Fall ersetzen die gelieferten Informationen eine persönliche Beratung, Untersuchung oder Diagnose durch einen approbierten Arzt. Die zur Verfügung gestellten Inhalte können und dürfen nicht zur Erstellung eigenständiger Diagnosen und/oder einer Eigenmedikation verwendet werden.

Informiere dich vorher umfassend beim Arzt, Apotheker oder zuverlässigen medizinischen Quellen im Internet, welche Maßnahmen du anwenden darfst. Dieser Ratgeber basiert auf persönlichen Erfahrungen unserer Kunden sowie quantitativer Recherche in Literatur und Meinungsforen.


Price: USD11.035544999999994

8.28€ + 21% MwSt NL = 10,02 EUR Brutto zu Ihrem Vorteil: Discount 9.183347999999995

SysTools Securase

Price: USD49

Affiliate Promotion: Discount 4.9

SysTools PST Finder

Price: USD29

SysTools Frozen Winters Sale: Discount 5.8

Bundle Email Extractor and Sender

Price: USD139

10%Discount: Discount 13.9

Gujarati Invoice Software

Gujarati Invoice Software is designed purposely for invoice generation easy & painless. This innovative tool has all the important features rigged that are required while generating bills. It is very simple to handle & develops invoice quickly that are easily acceptable to the customer. It has another name Gujarati Excel Billing Tool which is because of its framework i.e. fully made in Excel.

The Gujarati bill generator caters option to make companies & clients as much as you want depending upon your demand. Together with that you can create multiple categories for distinct variants of products like clothing, food, etc. This component would be very profitable for departmental stores. Thus you can make changes in company, client & products as per your requirement. Even if a commodity is going to end the tool will caution you about it. You just have to fix that alarm at a mask where you want it to warn.

Gujarati bill generator does not stop till here. You can even make developments in fields like taxes & discounts. You can make changes based on the in the laws. Together with that users can develop reports for different departments like sales, sales representatives, product, etc. whenever they wish to. These are the characteristics of an extraordinary tool that are hard to locate in any other billing tool.

This Gujarati invoice maker caters ample amount of choices for various purposes of bill generation. It is made flexible to all variants of MS excel like 2013, 2010 & 2007. So you can run it in each of them without any doubt. The pace of finishing the job accurately places this software amongst the best Gujarati bill generator in the market.

Price: USD34

10%Discount: Discount 3.4

Internet Phone Number Extractor

Internet Phone Number Extractor is a very useful software developed to provide the users with a fast and accurate tool to extract Phone, Fax or Cell numbers from websites.  The software can efficiently find phone numbers, Fax numbers or cell numbers either through search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. or through urls. This is an advance software with many innovative features. These features allows the user to  find cell phone numbers, Fax numbers etc. as per the need, to find numbers from inner pages of the website, to search numbers from a list of websites, to filter while extracting numbers, to save the numbers in different file formats and many other functions.
Unique option of filtering while number extraction helps the user to get the list of numbers relevant to search criteria while leaving out non-relevant and unwanted numbers. The software allows the user to save the numbers in .CSV format which opens in MS Excel and .TXT format which opens in Notepad. The software can extract numbers from inner pages of the websites. The user has the option to make list of websites and search for numbers. Users can update search tags to get optimum results. The software works with different versions of Windows operating system like Windows XP/ Vista/ 2007/ 2008.

As virtually all business communication starts with a phone call now, softwares meant to extract phone numbers have become a necessity. In this scenario our Internet Phone number extractor software with its advance features is a must have for both big and small organizations.

Price: USD49

10%Discount: Discount 4.9

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Huge Sale on Enzymatic Therapy at HerbsPro.com Up to 51% Off – Use Coupon Code ET0318 to Get Additional 5% off on all Enzymatic Therapy Products, Get Free Shipping on Order Value $79 and Less Than 2 lbs. Offer valid till 1st March to 31st March – 2018.
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Bundle Word or Excel Search and Replace

Price: USD120

10%Discount: Discount 12

Bundle Find and Replace

Price: USD148

10%Discount: Discount 14.8

Text Search and Replace Tool

Text Search and Replace Tool is an efficient find and replace tool developed to perform find and replace and formatting tasks in MS word files. The software allows the user to find and replace multiple words and phrases in multiple word documents at one go. It also allows the user to perform different formatting tasks like- Changing back color and fore color, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscripts and subscripts, changing cases in multiple files at one go. The software boasts of highly advanced features. This unique search and replace utility allows the user to search and replace in multiple files at one go. To add multiple files user just needs to click ‘add files’ button and select multiple files or click ‘add folder’ button to automatically select all files contained therein. Users have the option to remove selected files also. After this user needs to click ‘add words’ button to go to next step and enter words and phrases in ‘Find what’ and ‘Replace with’ boxes and perform Find and Replace tasks effortlessly. The user is allowed to perform these operations in multiple files at one go. Batch find replace feature provided in the software allows the user to find and replace words and phrases with the help of wildcard utility in various word documents. A log file is also provided which gives all details of data processing. The software supports files in different formats like .doc, .docx, .rft etc. and different languages like English, German, French, Urdu, and Hindi etc.

Utility of word addins like Text Search and Replace Tool is immense in present scenario. Most offices rely heavily on computer systems for smooth conduct of work. Information is largely shared through soft copies and paper work is done only if absolutely necessary. Documents are prepared mainly with the help of MS word/Excel/PowerPoint. Thus arises the need for Word, Excel or PowerPoint addins. Text Search and Replace Tool is one such word addin.

Price: USD59

10%Discount: Discount 5.9