vineri, 22 septembrie 2017

Not All Directories Help Your Page Rank Secret promo at AbcFastDirectory. Find out what directories will increase your link popularity and the ones that don't! Several link building methods have come and gone in the link building industry, but few have withstood the time. Directory submission has remained its title as one of the most effective was to build quality, one way back links. You see; search engine optimized directories are a source of information, which has been human edited, organized by category and sub-category. Search engines use these resources to help gather relevant and useful information, they feel is of value to their web searchers. Using your keyword, title, description or key phrase used when submitted in a directory, that's optimized for search results. When link building you should always pay attention to the websites you link to. Some webmasters think submitting to high page rank directories will help increase your link popularity. The answer for this is; yes and no. Yes if you submit to a quality optimized directory that has been around minimum 1 year. Websites come and go all the time. You must always consider the history a website has. For example: - How long has this particular website been live on the internet - Is this website indexed in search results? - Does this website look like a link farm website - What kind of websites do they except in their directory - Privacy policy - Help page - Contact page - How good is the content of the website - Has this website been banned from Google or any major search engine? Or is this website currently banned from major search engines. The reason I say no is because, some website page ranks were not increased naturally but un-natural. These websites have paid fees to help increase their ranking that will only last until next payment is due. You cannot tell if a website has paid for rankings, but an easier way to determine a websites value is to pay attention to the content on their pages