miercuri, 27 septembrie 2017

Document Management on the Web - Altoga.com Cloud Software

http://bit.do/dMphP Extenua secret sale page.
http://www.altoga.com/en == A505 == Document Management on the Web == Communications and General Support // Management Software == A good Document Management is becoming increasingly essential to Organizations. And being on the Web makes all the difference - it's available anytime, anywhere, to any authorized party. This Module supports: - The Upload of Documents onto the Cloud, along with the registration of several attributes for their characterization, as well as their View and/or Download. - The Classification of such Documents according to the Codes set by the Organization. - The Association of Thematic Descriptors to such Documents to reinforce regular search facilities. - The Definition of the accesses allowed, particularly in terms of who can access and what can be done in relation to the Documents accessed. - Connections of the Documents to several Subsystems, linking them to Organizations, People, Departments, Contracts, Products and to many more Items. - The Association of Events, Administrative Acts and Procedures to Documents. - Multiple Outputs and Statistics. © Altoga