duminică, 25 decembrie 2016

500 Rep Workout- Total Body Toner

http://tidd.ly/57a5f246 Secret offers at ResultsWithLucy
http://amzn.to/1omY0Ao The 500 Rep Workout, simply 5 moves that you do 20 reps and repeat this 5 times. This will help burn off excess festive calories and you can combine this with the 5: 2 Diets, is a great way to help lose excess body fat. This has proved to be very successful and easy to sustain and this is why people have seen amazing results. In My 5:2 Diet Recipe book unlike others I combine it with short 4 minute workouts similar to the above video. These easy to follow 4 Minute Fat Burning Workouts are designed to be done on your Non Fasting Days. They work on short burst of high intensity intervals which produce a high hourly calorie burn for up to 10 hours after you workout, so you can from just 4 minutes exercise burn up to 350 calories. This works on an effect known as EPOC effect which simply means your hourly calorie burn rate is increased. www.lwrfitness.com