miercuri, 13 iulie 2016

Dark touching the light- 2012 Mayan Calendar Cycle Ends

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The Black Jaguar, the ceremonial name of Mr. Danilo Rodriguez, Tikal, Guatemala guide and Maya expert continues his educational talk to us at the ruins. Danilo goes over the end of the 25,800 year calendar cycle, Jesus, polarity shift, displacement of the earths crust and more. The signs are here today and the comforts we have of today, are tricking us into the love of power or the dark cycle, instead of being in harmony with nature and loving to love. He also covers a brief overview of the Olmec civilization, which basically started the Mayan Calendar. They basically become part of the Mayan civilization, as do many other ethnic groups and in fact the Mayan's still live today. Leaf cutter ant city in Tikal in the jungle on trail 13, oddly enough. "The dark is going to touch the light and we are going to come together again" says Danilo with regards to the end of this calendar cycle and start of the new age- many will call this Age of Aquarius. Tourism is, "a form of a pilgrimage," he continues, helping prepare us for the coming transformation on December 21, 2012. White buffalo prophecy of Indian tribes in North America, acting as a key, opening more knowledge to humanity. Astro travel in Mayan temples and more. Enjoy this video and remember what Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 within the Bible. For books on this subject, see: http://astore.amazon.com/maya201209-20/002-3370224-8452808 Sponsored by Markzware http://www.markzware-europe.com