joi, 10 august 2017

How to Make Drawings For Patents and Provisional Patent Applications EdrawSoft secret sale page. All content created by Dave Korpi I show you how I create the BEST drawings for a patent application or a provisional patent application. This little 1 minute video does not show you HOW to do it but rather WHAT needs to be included and HOW I do it. Using SolidWorks requires a learning curve but the USPTO if completely happy with hand drawn drawings. The reason I draw full 3D drawings is so that I can actually make the parts. Go to if you want to see how to file a provisional patent application! If you do NOT want to make drawings yourself and you want to ORDER drawings for your Patent Application or Provisional Patent Application visit here: If you are not moving along because of your drawings not to worry! Feel free to draw them by hand. They SHOULD NOT be photographs of any kind, but if you absolutely must they WILL accept high quality Black and White de-saturated (look it up) photos that can survive multiple xeroxing and still convey the inventive art. They should be LINE DRAWINGS, like my samples in the video above. They do not HAVE to be EXACTLY like the samples I showed. If you are drawing something more "organic" like trying to render a novel design of a leather tool belt for carpenters the drawing method I showed you is not very good unless you have a tenth degree black belt in SolidWorks. Again, the drawings must be easy to understand and they do not have to be works of art. They can be funky looking as long as they clearly convey what you are trying to protect in your inventive idea. Number them prolifically and spend lots of time showing what each part is. The USPTO just wants your drawings, for a provisional patent, to be clear and fully relate to your specifications. Visit if you want to see how to file a provisional patent application on your OWN without my help.