vineri, 3 martie 2017

How to Properly Switch WordPress Themes on Your Site Secret sale page at Orange-Themes.
If you are preparing to change your WordPress theme it can be a very easy process. There a just a few things you should keep in mind during this change process. In this video, we will show you how to properly switch WordPress themes. If you liked this video, then please Like and consider subscribing to our channel for more WordPress videos. Text version of this tutorial: Follow us on Twitter: Checkout our website for more WordPress Tutorials Summary of this Tutorial: Start by creating a complete backup of your site Next install your new theme under Appearance, Themes and Browse at the top you can either upload a new theme or select from the theme directory If you are searching then you can search by features Or if you are uploading a zip file you can go to the top and click upload. Related Links: Backup your site