miercuri, 25 ianuarie 2017

[HOW TO]1080p/720p videos on a netbook

http://tiny.cc/eckbux Download your free copy of MakeMKV.
Download from - hhttp://bit.ly/21PbEjA Download your free copy of MakeMKV. I have read many people say that you can\'t play hd videos on an weeks of reading and tries,I achieved to have my netbook playing 1080p may work also in windows 7 except from netbook has the atom n455 @ LIKE! Links to core \"community codec pack\" codecs: 1: #!Exs0ETKS!a_c4awhkassVM5aaYC2dXjmKsRMPA_AcVhfXVzQ7qxQ 2: Applications used to achieve that:------------------------------------------------------------------------ coreAVC codecs core community codec pack media player classic home cinema(included in core community codec pack)