marți, 12 aprilie 2016

Separating Fact from Fiction on the "ZIKA" Virus W/disease specialist Dr. Ted Broer How to survive any disease
Has Donald J. Trump already not just won the nomination but also the general election? In this weeks show I explain my reason why I think not only has the fat lady started to warm up her vocal chords but she is already singing in operatic tones. Last week I predicted Donald Trump would win a minimum of 6 states during Super Tuesday. I was correct. I also correctly predicted he would win Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Vermont. I was wrong on Arkansas(which Trump won) Minnesota(which Marco Rubio won) and Alaska and Oklahoma(which Ted Cruz won.) I let you all know when I am right and I let you all know when I am wrong. My predictions were about 85% correct. Not too shabby. Also, internationally recognized health and nutrition expert with extensive knowledge of Infectious diseases, bio-chemistry, and naturopathic medicine Dr. Ted Broer joined me to discuss the REAL TRUTH about the "Zika Virus" Should we be worried? Where did it originate from? Is it as dangerous as it is being made out to be? Are we at risk? Please watch as all these questions and more are answered.