sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2016

Protest to save Daisy Hill Stroke Unit in Newry, Northern Ireland, 28th March 2015

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Protest to save Daisy Hill Stroke Unit in Newry, Northern Ireland, 28th March 2015 In the countdown to the Save Daisy Hill Stroke Services Rally on Saturday 28 March 2015, Councillor Daire Hughes, Mayor of Newry and Mourne, has called for all the people of the area to turn out to show their support for their local hospital. He said "Whilst this campaign is focused on saving the excellent stroke unit, it is vital, for the future, that the Southern Trust and the Minister are shown the importance of Daisy Hill to the people of this area and that we will resist any attempts to reduce services. We must show our opposition to a centralised model of health care which is not appropriate for the rural nature of Northern Ireland." The Council's Health Service Working Group which is leading the campaign, points out that it regularly discusses problems which have arisen for people accessing services in Craigavon or Belfast hospitals due to the distance, poor roads and lack of adequate transport provision. It believes that services at Daisy Hill must be retained and indeed enhanced to ensure the safety and health of the people of this area. The Donaldson report into the Health Services in Northern Ireland, which is currently out for consultation, recommends drastic reductions to the numbers of acute hospitals in Northern Ireland with a level of service better suited to the more urban nature of England. Campaigners, therefore believe it is vital that the community stands up at this time in support of what is acknowledged to be an excellent hospital and a life saving service for us all. Councillor Hughes called on everyone to join us at Marcus Square at 12 noon on Saturday 28 March 2015 to walk to Daisy Hill to demonstrate support for Daisy Hill and to call for the retention of the lifesaving stroke services. For more information please visit http://savedaisyhillhospital.com/ Video © Paula Geraghty